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City Government

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Morgantown, located just off the I-165 (formerly the William Natcher Parkway), is nestled in South Central Kentucky within a short driving distance of both Bowling Green and Louisville, Kentucky, and Morgantown is a short 85 miles from the metropolitan Nashville Tennessee area. Surrounded by beautiful, serene farmland, Morgantown is home to some of the friendliest people you will ever meet.


Our Goals for the Future

The comprehensive plan is a policy guide for decisions concerning the physical development in Morgantown. It is a vision of what the community wants to look like in the future and provides the framework for orderly growth and development to achieve that vision.

Read Comprehensive Plan

Bustlin’ Downtown

The City of Morgantown operates from the downtown City Hall location which houses the offices of the Mayor and City Administrator.

The Butler County Courthouse is located in downtown Morgantown and houses the offices of the Butler County Judge/Executive, Butler County Court Clerk, and the Butler County Property Valuation Administrator.

Judicial services are housed at the Butler County Courthouse alongside the County executive offices. Morgantown is also the location of the Post Office, County Health Department, Chamber of Commerce, and Agricultural Extension Office.